Im Gegensatz zu normalen LED verfügen OLED. Sie sollen bald billiger als LEDs herzustellen sein, sie sind kleiner und man kann auf Grund ihrer Flexibilität mehr mit ihnen anstellen. OLEDs sind, glaubt man den Herstellern, das nächste große Ding. Denn dünner kann man ein Display wohl kaum machen. No longer will progress be measured in diagonal inches. Der Sony XEL-1 war der heimlich Star der IFA. The XEL-1 opens a new front in the battle among setmakers. Sony is already mulling a wireless version for wall-mounted viewing. Sony tucked all the ports-USB, Ethernet, HDMI for high definition-into the base of its stand. A chopstick, the coaster I put my coffee on every morning, a slice of bread-the Sony is thinner than all of them. After unboxing the 11-inch screen, I spent 20 minutes comparing the thickness of the set with things I found around the house. According to our tests on the Sony XEL-1, most of those claims have merit. OLED stands for organic light-emitting diode, and its benefits, according to the company, include improved contrast ratio, wider viewing angles, and better color reproduction. In this business less means more when you get to the price tag. Sonys XEL-1 represents the first widely available OLED-based TV. Organic means it has no backlight to bulk it up, so the screen at its thickest is one-fifth of an inch. Rather than checking out the oh-so-vivid colors thatīrags about, I was more interested in the side view of the XEL-1, the world's first organic light-emitting diode television. A chopstick, a slice of bread-the Sony's thinner.